General questions

No, I am not associated with QAnon, and that I share an alias with their supposed leader(s) is a complete coincidence; I picked 'Q' as an alias name before I knew about QAnon, and when I did find out, it was already too late to change.

I do not endorse, try to promote, agree with, or in any way want to align myself with QAnon's claims, statements, or actions, nor do I believe them. I suggest you to take the same route. I will, however, state that their flag looks very amateur and silly. I also find their claims to be very silly.

If you have had bad experiences with QAnon, such as harassment, any sort of pressure to do anything, please reach out to professionals for help, or go to either r/QAnonCasualties or r/ReQovery. I personally never had anything to do with them, but I can imagine the sort of harm they can cause, judging by their claims alone. Please stay vigilant, and always look at who is making what types of claims – they very well could have ill intentions.
I don't know, can you?

Yes, you may use my music in any of your projects as long as you give appropriate credit. More information can be found here.
I made it with my own ten fingers, using HTML, Sass, and some JavaScript. Expect bugs. I try to minimise them but still.
Also, there may or may not be some secret pages for you to find and explore. I won't leave any hints… for now.
There's no CMS, and no framework, or anything else. All animations, button presses, and anything else was made by me using plain JS.

The pages are served as regular .html files on an 'as-is' basis. What this means is that the server serves each page 'raw' without editing it at all, unlike some other web hosts, who offer a so-called 'website builder,' which does inject some code into the page. I don't like website builders; their functionality is almost always severly limiting/limited. However, I changed it so that there is no need to actually append the string .html, but it is an option. Some other minor changes that impact the site as a whole is the removal of the string www. at the beginning of the main site, the removal of the 'trailing slash', as well as some other 301 redirects. All of these combined together help make the site easier to access and navigate.

The reason for the website's existence is to connect everything that has to do with me, as well as document the cases that I cover. It's also useful for communicating more complex ideas and theories because I really cannot manage to explain stuff well in videos.

I update the site irregularly, but probably on a bi-weekly basis; I often change minor visual elements (or, in other words, the looks of the site), and I occasionally add a little neat feature here and there. Whenever I notice some error (informational, grammatical, spelling, etc.), I update it as soon as possible.
You can @ me on Mastodon. I believe there's a feature to make that @ private, effectively making it a direct message.

I don't feel comfortable giving out an e-mail address, as I feel that would violate my privacy, even if it's a mask.
Yes. You may use my content, my findings, or anything else that I produce, as long as the following conditions are met:
  1. You credit whichever video, article, etc. you used.
  2. You link whichever video, article, etc. you used as the first link in the section of your content (video, article, etc.) where external links reside. For example, for YouTube videos, it'd be the first link in the description. This only applies if you use just use the footage from my video(s). If you only use my content as a source, you're not required to do this.
  3. You give a verbal shout-out in some portion of your content (video, article, etc.) where people are very likely to watch, read, etc.
For a more in-depth overview of these 'terms', see below:

Terms for using my content


  1. Content refers to any video, text (article), audio, any other audio-visual medium that can be watched, listened to, or read (consumed).
  2. I or Q refers to me, Q, the owner of this site, as well as my Content.
  3. You refers to the reader of this document, whose intended goal is to use my Content.
  4. Direct Link refers to hyperlinks (link(s)) which directly link to any Content without a URL shortener, or a referral link, e.g. Adfly.
  5. Portion, or Snippet refer to any extract from the video, audio, or article.
  6. Footage refers to any audio-visual Portion of the piece of Content you're using.


  1. You must give proper credit to whichever piece of my Content you used in the form of a Direct Link to that piece of Content.
  2. You must provide the Direct Link to the Content as the first link, unless the following is true:
    • You used the content as a source, but without directly featuring any of its Footage, or any Portion or Snippet.
    • You only feature a small Portion of the Footage, and do so while giving proper context about what is happening in that Footage, but do not feature the entire video as a whole (e.g., reacting).
    • A third-party who is giving you payment in compensation for promoting their service/product (a sponsor) requires that their service's/product's Link be the first in the description.
  3. You must give a verbal recommendation (shout-out; shoutout) to the Footage you're using.
  4. You must provide enough transformative commentary to justify the use of my Content. This is especially important when reacting to my Content.


  1. You're not allowed to feature my Content in a setting whose context does not match that of the video, unless reacting.
  2. You're not allowed to use my Content in any context unless you follow all Conditions.
  3. You're not required to ask for permission before using my Content.
  4. You're not allowed to use my Content in any context that is criminal, e.g. while actively committing a crime.


I reserve the right to report your use of my Content as fraudulent if I suspect that you're not following the Conditions or Terms I specified. I also reserve the right to change these Terms and Conditions if I feel it is necessary. Before any new use of my Content by you, you must come back to this page. If you uploaded your Content that features my Content before any changes were made to this document, that Content abides by the version of this document that was specified then.

Case/investigation questions

Personal interest; cases I find interesting are also ones I am likely to investigate. These could include, but aren't limited to:
  • Murders
  • Frauds
  • Disappearances
  • Online mysteries (e.g. Cicada 3301)
You could also recommend mystries/cases on Mastodon.
At this time, no. I work on my own. I find that I can work a lot better when I am the only person on the team, as I then have complete control over every aspect of what I do. Of course, there's a couple downsides to working alone, e.g. too few minds to compare different theories.
Here are some tips:
  • Always have an open mind; Be ready to face contradictions and different opinions.
  • Gather all data you can find.
  • Filter the unimportant data from the important data.
  • Visualize the entire thing; Create some sort of visual connection between each part. I suggest using Obsidian for this.
  • Write down theories as you go, and mark them with the date you theorized about it. This will help you see your progress.
  • Take breaks; Don't overuse your mind on the case. If you get frustrated, take a short break. It does help.
You can contribute by investigating cases yourself too, and then post your findings online. Additionally, you can join the Revolt server to post your findings. Lastly, you can follow me on my socials.

I, at this time, do not ask for any payments.